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 Replace ACHOICE() with a Tbrowse object & multiple features.


      FT_Ach2tb( <nToprow>,<nTopcol>[,<nBotrow>][,<nBotcol>],<aArrey>,     ;
            [<cBoxtype>],[<cBoxcolor>],[<cBoxtitle>],[<nTitlePos>],        ;
            [<cUselcolor>],[<cTitlecolor>],[<cBarcolor>],[<cHkcolor>],     ;
            [<lShadow>],[<lExecute>],[<nMsgrow>],[<nMsgcol>],              ;
            [<cMsg.color>],[cElevbar],[cEbarcolor],[<cEbarside>],          ;
            [<cNoSelcolor>],[<cTagch>],[<nStartelem>],[<lRscreen>],        ;
            [<nTimeout>],[<nTimeoutval>],[<cUserfunc>] )
       --> nOption


  <nToprow>   is the top row of the box to be drawn.  Required.

  <nTopcol>   is the top column of the box to be drawn.  Required.

  <nBotrow>   is the bottom row of the box to be drawn.  The default is
     <nToprow>+Len(<aArrey>)+1 or maxrow()-2, whichever is less.

  <nBotcol>   is the bottom column of the box to be drawn.  The default
     is <nTopcol>+width of the widest element in <aArrey> +2.

     It's been pointed out that the number of commas required to default
     the <nBotrow> and <nBotcol> params. is at least slightly confusing.
     So, some documentation on the requirements:
     Default both:                           7,9,,   ARRAY:
     Default <nBotrow>, specify <nBotcol>:   7,9,,20 ARRAY:
     Default <nBotcol>, specify <nBotrow>:   7,9,15, ARRAY:

  <aArrey>    is the arrey of options to present to the user.  Each
     element can hold as many as five subelements, or as few as one.
     Required.  Additional documentation below.

  <cnBoxtype> is the type of box to draw.  Uses DispBox().  The
     default is a double-line box.

  <cBoxcolor> is the color with which to draw the box.  The default is

  <cBoxtitle> is title of the box drawn on <nToprow>.  The default is
     no title.

  <nTitlepos>  is the starting column position (to the right of
     <nTopcol>) at which to draw <cBoxtitle>.  The default is 1.

  <cUselcolor> is the color with which to draw unselected options.
     The default is Setcolor().

  <cTitlecolor> is the color with which to draw the box title.  The
     default is yellow on red.

  <cBarcolor>  is the color with which to draw the selection bar.
     The default is yellow on black.

  <cHkcolor>  is the default color with which to draw the hotkeys for
     for each option.  This is used when no hotkey color is supplied
     in <aArrey>.  The default is hiwhite on the current background

  <cShadow>   is a character string, either "L" or "R" (for left or
     right) to designate the side of the box where a shadow will appear.
     Leave this NIL to avoid drawing a shadow.  You might also leave
     this NIL if you choose to use a .C or .ASM shadow function, which
     is a good idea.  Shadoww(), included below, is flat-out SLOW.

  <lExecute>  turn on/off execution of option when first letter is
     pressed.  Rule:  setting in element 5 of each <aArrey> subarray
     overrides <lexecute>.  If that element is left NIL, the <lexecute>
     setting is used.  If <lexecute> is not passed and element 5 is NIL,
     auto execution is turned ON.

  <nMsgrow>  is the row on which to draw a message for each option.
     The default is two rows below the bottom of the box.

  <nMsgcol>  is the column at which to draw a message for each option.
     The default is <nTopcol> +2.  To CENTER the message, pass "C".

  <cMsgcolor>  is the default color with which to draw messages.  This
     color is used when element 4 of each <aArrey> subarray is left NIL.
     The default is Setcolor().

  <cElevbar>  is the ASCII character to use as the elevator bar drawn
     on the box.  Leave this NIL to draw no elevator bar.

  <cEbarcolor>  is the color with which to draw the elevator bar.
     This is ignored if <cElevbar> is NIL.

  <cEbarside>  is a character string, either "L" or "R" (for left or
     right) to designate the side of the box on which to draw the
     elevator bar.  This is ignored if <cElevbar> is NIL.

  <cNoselcolor>  is the color with which to draw unselectable options.
     The default is white on black.

  <cTagchar> is the ASCII character to use to draw tags that would
     appear to the right of each option.  The default is *DIS*abled
     tagging.  The default tag is "." (chr(251)).

  <nStartelem>  is the number of the option where the selection bar
     will first be placed.  Leave this NIL to begin at option 1.

  <lRestscrn>  is a logical to designate whether or not the screen
     coordinates occupied by the box and/or shadow should be restored
     before FT_Ach2tb() returns.  The default is .T.

  <nTimeout>  is the number of seconds after which FT_ACH2TB() will
     timeout and return to the function/proced. which called it.  The
     default is 0.

  <nTimeoutVal> is an optional alternative numeric value FT_ACH2TB() will
     RETURN when/if it times out.  The default is the current element

  <bUserfunc>  is a code block containing a function call to be
     executed after each key press.  You need to write just two formal
     parameters to allow the run-time passing of the key pressed and the
     current element number, e.g.:
               { |key,num| Myfunc( key,num [,other params.] ) }
     Unlimited extra parameters may be passed.  Of course, make certain
     to also write 'receptors' for them in 'Myfunc()' itself...as in the
     above example.  The default is NO user function.


     the number of the selected option, or 0 if [Esc] is pressed.


     FT_Ach2tb() is a greatly enhanced, fully featured, and now mouse-
     supported replacement for Achoice(), based on a Tbrowse object.
     Each element of <aArray> (the array you pass to it) is itself an
     array.  Each element can solely composed of "Option" (below), but
     may be composed as follows to take full advantage of the function's

         Option   ,     Message      ,HotKeyPos,HotKeyColor,Selectable
     { "Utilities","System Utilities", 3       ,"+gr/b"    ,.T. }

     All elements except for the first, the option itself, are optional.
     IF 'Message' is NIL, no message is displayed.  'HotKeyPos' is the
     position within 'Option' of the hotkey.  In the example above, the
     hotkey for 'Utilities' is the first 'i', i.e., at position 3.  The
     default is 1.  'HotKeyColor' is the color to use for the hotkey
     display.  The default is hiwhite  on the current background color.
     'Selectable' is a logical indicating whether or not that option can
     be selected.  The default is .T.

     The A_CHOICE() UDC in FT_ACH2T.CH makes using FT_ACH2TB() a breeze.
     The myriad of parameters can be written in any order.  Only <nToprow>,
     <nTopcol>, and <aArrey> are required.  See the example below.

     There may be some confusion over 'unselected' and 'unselectable'
     options.  The former refers to any option not currently covered
     by the selection bar.  The latter refers to options you have
     designated unselectable in subelement 5 of <aArray>, i.e., by
     writing .F.

     To enable tagging, pass any ASCII character as <cTagchar>.  To
     tag/untag all options, press [SPACE].  To tag/untag individual
     options, press [+] and [-] respectively.  On press of [+], browse
     moves to the next element in the display.  To test for the tagged
     status of an option, use the WAS_TAGGED() UDC in FT_ACH2T.CH. To
     check the entire array for tags, use Aeval() in conjunction with
     Was_Tagged() as in the example below.  When tagging is enabled, the
     string "Tags" will be written across the bottom row of the box in
     hiwhite on the current background color.

     Because FT_ACH2TB() takes over the [SPACE],[+], and [-] keys, it saves
     any SET KEY procedures you might have set them to, and restores same
     on returning.  Any other procedures you might have SET KEYs to will
     fly when FT_ACH2TB() is called...thanks to the Inkey() replacement,

     The pi.ce de resistance of FT_ACH2TB() is its ability to execute
     a user function designed entirely by you.  It is called after each
     keypress, and because it is completely open-ended, extends the
     the reach of FT_ACH2TB() to the limits of Clipper.  See the docu-
     mentation under <bUserfunc> above.

     Test compile:  CLIPPER ft_ach2t /n/w/m/dFT_TEST
     Test link   :  RTLINK FI ft_ach2t LIB nanfor /pll:base50

     Mouse support
     Mouse support is provided via the Nanforum Toolkit FT_M* functions.
     Most actions are tied to the left button.  The equivalent of pressing
     [Esc] comes via the right button.  These left button clicks will
     produce the designated actions:

     Mouse cursor outside box                :  K_ENTER (select option)
     Mouse cursor at box top left corner     :  browse:goTop()
                         bottom left corner  :  browse:goBottom()
                         top right corner    :  browse:pageUp()
                         bottom right corner :  browse:pageDown()

     Mouse cursor at option, tagging ENabled
     Selection bar moves to option, subsequent press to tag or untag.  Do
     this for as many options as you want to tag/untag, then move mouse
     cursor outside the box.  Press again to select.  Tagging overrides
     <lExecute>, so with tagging on and <lExecute> .F., subsequent presses
     while inside the box coordinates simply tag/untag.

     Mouse cursor at option, tagging DISabled
     IF <lExecute> is turned on, the option is immediately selected.  If
     turned off, selection bar moves to option.  Press again to select.

     To Disable Mouse Support
     Compile with /dNOMOUSE


  nOpt := A_CHOICE( 7,9,, ARRAY:t_array )   // the minimum

  nOpt := A_CHOICE( 7,9,, ;
            ARRAY:t_arrey ;
            USERFUNC:{|a,b| UserFunc(a,b,any1)};
            BOXTYPE:B_SINGLE  ;
            BOXTITLE:title  ;
            SHADOW:"FT" ;
            TAGCHAR:chr(17) ;
            REST_SCREEN:.F. ;
            AUTOEXEC:.F. ;
            MES_COLOR:MSG_COLOR ;
            ELEVBAR:"#" ;
            NOSELCOLOR:"bg/n" ;
            MES_COL:"C" )

  Check only the RETURNed element for whether tagged:
  IF( Was_Tagged(chr(17),t_arrey,nOpt), MoreProcessing(), )

  Check entire 't_arrey':
  Aeval( t_arrey,{|e,n| IF( Was_Tagged(chr(17),t_arrey,n ), ;
                            MoreProcessing(t_arrey),NIL ) } )

 Source: ACH2TB.PRG

 Author: Steve Kolterman

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson